The Slope on Tuesday 23rd July

The afternoon thunderstorms continued all last week until Sunday.  This week the temperatures are rising each day and we are heading into the weekend with temperatures forecast to be about 35°C.

Again the images were taken this morning with the sun at the top of the slope creating shadows and highlighting grasses.

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Gaura and Stipa tenuissima catching the morning sunlight

Gaura and Stipa tenuissima catching the morning sunlight

Sunlight on Stipa tenuissima

Sunlight on Stipa tenuissima

P1100899Many of the plants flowering now seem to be forming a lower storey, including Tubaglia, ground-cover Verbena and Thyme.

Panicums and Tubaglia

Panicums and Tubaglia



Tubaglia and Perovskia

Tubaglia and Perovskia

Verbascum and Solanum jaminoides album

Verbascum and Solanum jaminoides album

Looking up the slope from the gate, Verbascum in the foreground

Looking up the slope from the gate, Verbascum in the foreground

Verbascum and its caterpillar

Verbascum and its caterpillar

Verbascum caterpillars are appearing but so not seem to decimate the wild plant the way they do garden cultivars.

A few Eschscholzia continue to flower and I can see some new seed is germinating with the warm damp conditions; these may not survive if the heat wave really does arrive but there will be plenty more later from the thousands of seeds that have already been produced.

Escsholzia, Californian poppy

Eschscholzia californica, Californian poppy

Perovskia and Gaura

Perovskia and Gaura



Pennicetum villosa

Pennicetum villosa

P1100883The above image is at the top of the drive so not really part of what I call the slope.

What do you have in your garden that is giving you particular pleasure today? Is your weather a heat wave or more rain than you would like?

32 thoughts on “The Slope on Tuesday 23rd July

  1. Beautiful images, I particularly like the combination of Tubaglia and Perovskia, and the verbascum is beautiful too. Something I aim to try growing next year. Thanls for asking how I am – I tried to reply but for some reason couldn’t! I’m OK, have just been submersed in the process of getting a new kitchen fitted, it has meant a dearth of gardening and blogging, and anything else, really, but will be worth it in the end!

  2. Bellissima la foto del verbasco e del bruco giallo.
    ( perchè dici che le ipomee da te non è possibile
    piantarle?, mi sembra che hai un sacco di piante da clima

  3. Gaura is such a pretty plant, but I can only grow it as an annual here.
    I think my Japanese anemones are giving me most pleasure today… just opening and standing tall.
    I’m not familiar with Tubaglia, but it looks lovely with the Perovskia. Love the caterpillar shot!

  4. We grow Gaura here on our sandy soil it does well and self seeds too. The weather is humid tonight after a heatwave and rain. I would prefer a traditional English Summer though – more rain, less heat!

  5. You have such a beautiful garden – I love your planting style, mixing flowers and grasses to great effect. My garden is so much less stylish, but I am enjoying watching the bees and butterflies on the wild marjoram at the moment.

  6. Weather here is perfect: a little overcast in the mornings allows comfortable weeding to be done. When the sun comes out, I just enjoy. The morning light was a helpful cohort when you were taking these pictures…beautiful.

  7. There have been local thunderstorms around our area for a week and areas so close had short, torrential rain but we had not a drop. My Gaura is very droopy this year and I don’t understand why.

    • Problably all the rain. We also love in a spot that often misses the rain, but we’ve had plenty in the last couple of weeks, especially when normally it never rains in July.

    • It’s common name is the Mullein moth, scientific name is Cucullia verbasci. It does use other plants as hosts too, but mullein (Verbascum) is the favourite.

  8. I think I am quite in love with your slope!! It looks gorgeous and reminds me of the good times in France looking at gorgeous flowers and cypress trees. Back home now and thinking about tackling the jungle I’ve returned to!!

  9. Beautiful light, Christina. I have many caterpillars and grubs but luckily no verbascum caterpillars – at least not yet. (We had our first rain in about six weeks last night – bliss). Dave

  10. I am enjoying seeing your garden slope as the season progresses. Your garden is always a source of inspiration, though my inspirations don’t always work. I love your Perovskia. I tried to grow some on my own, but the heavy clay (though amended, it still had a lot of clay in it!), high humidity and rain doomed it.

    • Diana, thank you for the correction, sadly spelling is my weak point.Maybe it would be better if I had been born Italian. Every letter is pronounced and so the concept of incorrect spelling is more or less unheard of, there isn’t even a work for ‘spelling’ in the Italian language!

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