
I’m sure that many of you are waking up to the news that there has been a severe earthquake in central Italy about 150 km from where we live.

We were woken at about 3.30 am by a door or window datelining violently, I thought it sounds like a trapped animal trying to escape and my husband went to investigate;  A few seconds later it happened again and I guessed that it was possibly an earthquake; there is a reason that my garden soil is entirely volcanic rock!

About half an hour later I felt the bed shake and the door began to rattle again, this was a much shorter shock but felt stronger to me.

My thoughts are with the people of the town of Amatrice, where by the way, the pasta sauce amatriciana comes from; I expect many of you will have heard of it or even eaten it.

This puts into perspective some of life’s other trials and problems; no damage as far as I can see to My Hesperides Garden, Christina