The Cuttings Garden at the end of May

The cuttings beds are continuing to give me so much pleasure.  Being able to pick flowers for a vase whenever I want is just incredible.  There has been so many of some flowers that I am now more able to calculate how many plants I need to plant to have ‘enough’.

I decided to read last month’s post to help me remember where things were a month agoContinue reading

The Slope on Thursday, a bit late!

The weather has been more spring-like in the last week than earlier in the month when it was much more like summer.  The hot weather means that many of the roses have already bloomed and finished!  During this week the temperatures have been pleasant with rain on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday,  which the garden and I were very pleased to see. Continue reading

In a vase on Monday – the message spreads

Every Monday Cathy from Rambling in the garden asks us to pick flowers from our gardens and bring them into the house to enjoy.  This meme has become completely addictive for many of us and even when we are going away, or there is snow on the ground we find something!

As many of you know I am teaching (with others) a gardening course in a nearby town and I wanted to share my enthusiasm for using home grown flowers with the group; so a couple of weeks ago I picked buckets and buckets of flowers from the cuttings beds, and the group came here armed with vases, jam jars and various other containers and we spent the afternoon arranging the flowers, followed by tea and cake. Continue reading

Garden Bloggers Foliage Day – May

Welcome to GBFD, we I ask you to think about the foliage in your garden rather than the flowers; when I walked out into the garden late yesterday evening to take some images of foliage that was making an impact in the garden I thought that it would be impossible to take any wide angle shots because May is when everything flowers in my garden.

However I was wrong!  The very hot beginning to May has meant that many plants have flowered and have now decided a rest is in order and have finished. Continue reading

Wordless Wednesday – Views I’m enjoying this week May 20

Large Isalnad -the Irises are coming to an end now but have been wonderful this year

Large Isalnad -the Irises are coming to an end now but have been wonderful this year, the small island is in the background

Small Island

Large Island

Large Island looking towards the Drive

Large Island looking towards the Drive

I must try some cuttings of this Salvia, I love its purple spikes against the orange of the poppies

I must try some cuttings of this Salvia, I love its purple spikes against the orange of the poppies (Upper Slope Path)

Edge of Large Island looking towards the house

Edge of Large Island looking towards the terrace

Rosa 'Queen of Sweden' is amazing this year and a great rose to cut for a vase

Rosa ‘Queen of Sweden’ is amazing this year and a great rose to cut for a vase

Left Hand border, roses in full bloom this week

Left Hand border, roses in full bloom this week

My favourite rose of all, R. Vielchenblau, this swag should be tied in but when I do the branch dies so I'm just enjoying it while it flowers

My favourite rose of all, R. Vielchenblau, this swag should be tied in but when I do the branch dies so I’m just enjoying it while it flowers

The Spring Walk is now full of Sisyrinchium striatum

The Spring Walk is now full of Sisyrinchium striatum

In a Vase on Monday – Flowers, flowers everywhere flowers

The cuttings beds are full of flowers that need cutting otherwise they will make seed and stop flowering so it was necessary to cut as many as possible for my vases this Monday when I join with Cathy at Rambling in the Garden as she encourages us all to pick flowers from our gardens to enjoy in the house. Continue reading

In a Vase on Monday- Inspiration

I have two arrangements to share with you today for Cathy at Rambling in the Garden’s meme, where she challenges us to fill a vase with material from our own gardens.  Both my vases today have been inspired by vases I’ve seen by other addicts of this meme, which is a great way of learning about different styles of flower arranging from the simple ‘plonk’ (and nothing wrong with that to some quite sophisticated vases by some of the more talented flower arrangers. Continue reading