Afternoon light in winter

For the past few days the light in the afternoon has been different from the rest of the day and different from other times of year.  As I write on Friday afternoon at 5 pm the wind is blowing a gale and hail is hitting the west and north-west facing windows; it is very nearly dark now.  On Wednesday I managed to brave the cold to take a few photographs. Continue reading

In a vase on Monday – A little touch of spring

My title for today’s ‘In a vase on Monday’, host by Cathy at Rambling in the Garden, is of course not a statement about the weather out in the garden where all remains very cold and wintry!  Continue reading

A step back

When I returned home after our time in England I was surprised to discover just how hardy all the Anemone coronaria are; there had been sub zero temperatures almost every night were away (which has continued all the past week too with an incredible minus 8°C forecast for Saturday).  I took these images a week ago 28th December 2016 but didn’t feel up to writing a post, but I thought it would be nice to use them today. Continue reading